Friday, June 8, 2012

Jack 8 Months!!

Jack, Baby Jack as we have taken to calling you, mostly for your older brother's benefit at first, and now it's stuck. We'll stop by your first birthday, I promise! What can I say about you that I haven't been saying? You smile and laugh and it just tickles my heart. Sometimes, after Sam goes to bed we have special time before bed, and sometimes before Sam wakes it's just you and me. I cherish those quiet smiles and little giggles. Your personality is shining through in those moments. I admit, it can be a little hard with the "big" personalities in our house; but I am confident that you will have your little niche. Now you can sit, crawl, pull up and are starting to cruise! You are more mobile than your older brother was at this time, but perhaps it's because you just can't wait until you can keep up with him. Your are already showing how you can get into his things and I see referring in my future :p We started food about a month and a half with you, right at 6 months, but it became clear you want nothing to do with being fed. So I cook soft veggies, fruit, and egg yolks and you feed yourself. Messy? Yes. But it's actually been nice to let you do it. I hope your teeth continue to come in nice and easy and fast! You only have 2, but they came in so fast. No one really even could tell you were teething! I'll close this letter to you with just how happy you make your Dad and I. Sam is even coming around as well. He loves to be a good big brother and help me to take care of you. I can tell that for any problems between you two will be worked out as soon as you can play more independently together. I am so very happy you have come into our world. We love you "Baby" Jack! ox~Mom

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